Anti-bullying Alliance (ABA)
The Anti-bullying Alliance consists of a group of teachers from the school's Learning and Support Team.
The Anti-bullying Alliance is a central point of communication for all cases of bullying and/or harassment.
Bullying reports may be submitted by:
- Students being bullied.
- Bystanders or observers of bullying.
- Parents/carers.
- Any member of the school staff.
Data from Bullying and Harassment forms are used to keep track of and deal with individual cases.
The ABA conducts whole school and group education about the nature of bullying and what individuals and the community can do to minimise harm using a positive and proactive approach that links into the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) and Wellbeing Team initiatives. The alliance produces an Anti-bullying Plan which is updated each year.
All cases of bullying, whether the source is online or in person, are dealt with using the method of "Shared Concern". This evidence-based method is non-punitive and encourages students to become more empathetic. Restorative strategies may be necessary for cases that do not respond to the method of "Shared Concern". Both of these approaches aim to build interpersonal connections and a sense of belonging within the greater school community.
The ABA has an open door policy for all enquiries regarding bullying and harassment. We encourage everyone to take a stand, lend a hand.
For further information and support visit: